<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "", 'name' => "app/database/samples.db", 'user' => "", 'pass' => "", 'type' => "sqlite", 'prep' => "1" // se utilizará prepared statements ];
<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "", // vazio usa a porta padrão (5432) 'name' => "samples", 'user' => "postgres", 'pass' => "postgres", 'type' => "pgsql", 'prep' => "1" // se utilizará prepared statements ];
<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "", // vazio usa a porta padrão (3306) 'name' => "tutor", 'user' => "root", 'pass' => "mysql", 'type' => "mysql", 'prep' => "1", 'char' => "utf8mb4", // Ex. ISO (ISO-8859-1), utf8mb4 'zone' => "America/Sao_Paulo" // define a timezone ];
<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "", 'name' => "tutor", 'user' => "sa", 'pass' => "12345678", 'type' => "mssql", 'prep' => "1", 'ntyp' => "1", // retorna dados numéricos como tipos int, float na aplicação 'opts' => ";ENCRYPT=yes;trustServerCertificate=true" // Ao usar driver da MS ];
<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "1521", 'name' => "tutor", 'user' => "system", 'pass' => "12345678", 'type' => "oracle", 'prep' => "1", 'char' => "AL32UTF8", // alterar charset de conexão 'flow' => "1", // garante atributos em lowercase 'date' => "YYYY-MM-DD", // NLS_DATE_FORMAT 'time' => "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FF", // NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT 'nsep' => ",." // NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS ];
<?php return [ 'user' => "system", 'pass' => "12345678", 'type' => "oracle", 'tns' => "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = exemplos) ) )", 'prep' => "1", 'char' => "AL32UTF8", // alterar charset de conexão 'flow' => "1", // garante atributos em lowercase 'date' => "YYYY-MM-DD", // NLS_DATE_FORMAT 'time' => "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FF", // NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT 'nsep' => ",." // NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS ];
<?php return [ 'host' => "", 'port' => "", 'name' => "c:\teste2.fdb", 'user' => "sysdba", 'pass' => "masterkey", 'type' => "fbird" ];
- <?php
- /**
- * Fatura Active Record
- * @author <your-name-here>
- */
- class Fatura extends TRecord
- {
- const TABLENAME = 'fatura';
- const PRIMARYKEY= 'id';
- const IDPOLICY = 'max'; // {max, serial}
- /**
- * Constructor method
- */
- public function __construct($id = NULL, $callObjectLoad = TRUE)
- {
- parent::__construct($id, $callObjectLoad);
- parent::addAttribute('cliente_id');
- parent::addAttribute('dt_fatura');
- parent::addAttribute('mes');
- parent::addAttribute('ano');
- parent::addAttribute('total');
- parent::addAttribute('financeiro_gerado');
- parent::addAttribute('ativo');
- }
- public function delete($id = null)
- {
- $id = isset($id) ? $id : $this->id;
- FaturaItem::where('fatura_id', '=', $this->id)->delete();
- parent::delete($id);
- }
- public function get_cliente()
- {
- return Pessoa::find($this->cliente_id);
- }
- }
- <?php
- /**
- * ContaReceberForm
- *
- * @version 1.0
- * @package erphouse
- * @subpackage control
- * @author Pablo Dall'Oglio
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 Adianti Solutions Ltd. (http://www.adianti.com.br)
- * @license http://www.adianti.com.br/framework-license
- */
- class ContaReceberForm extends TPage
- {
- protected $form; // form
- use Adianti\Base\AdiantiStandardFormTrait; // Standard form methods
- /**
- * Class constructor
- * Creates the page and the registration form
- */
- function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- parent::setTargetContainer('adianti_right_panel');
- $this->setDatabase('erphouse'); // defines the database
- $this->setActiveRecord('ContaReceber'); // defines the active record
- // creates the form
- $this->form = new BootstrapFormBuilder('form_ContaReceber');
- $this->form->setFormTitle('Conta a Receber');
- $this->form->setClientValidation(true);
- $this->form->setColumnClasses( 2, ['col-sm-5 col-lg-4', 'col-sm-7 col-lg-8'] );
- // create the form fields
- $id = new TEntry('id');
- $dt_emissao = new TDate('dt_emissao');
- $dt_vencimento = new TDate('dt_vencimento');
- $dt_pagamento = new TDate('dt_pagamento');
- $pessoa_id = new TDBUniqueSearch('pessoa_id', 'erphouse', 'Pessoa', 'id', 'nome_fantasia');
- $valor = new TNumeric('valor', 2, ',', '.', true);
- $obs = new TText('obs');
- // add the fields
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Id') ], [ $id ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Pessoa') ], [ $pessoa_id ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Dt Emissao') ], [ $dt_emissao ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Dt Vencimento') ], [ $dt_vencimento ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Dt Pagamento') ], [ $dt_pagamento ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Valor') ], [ $valor ] );
- $this->form->addFields( [ new TLabel('Obs') ], [ $obs ] );
- $dt_emissao->addValidation('Dt Emissao', new TRequiredValidator);
- $dt_vencimento->addValidation('Dt Vencimento', new TRequiredValidator);
- $pessoa_id->addValidation('Pessoa Id', new TRequiredValidator);
- // set sizes
- $id->setSize('100%');
- $dt_emissao->setSize('100%');
- $dt_vencimento->setSize('100%');
- $dt_pagamento->setSize('100%');
- $pessoa_id->setSize('100%');
- $valor->setSize('100%');
- $obs->setSize('100%');
- $dt_emissao->setMask('dd/mm/yyyy');
- $dt_vencimento->setMask('dd/mm/yyyy');
- $dt_pagamento->setMask('dd/mm/yyyy');
- $dt_emissao->setDatabaseMask('yyyy-mm-dd');
- $dt_vencimento->setDatabaseMask('yyyy-mm-dd');
- $dt_pagamento->setDatabaseMask('yyyy-mm-dd');
- $pessoa_id->setMinLength(0);
- $dt_emissao->setValue(date('Y-m-d'));
- $id->setEditable(FALSE);
- // create the form actions
- $btn = $this->form->addAction(_t('Save'), new TAction([$this, 'onSave']), 'fa:save');
- $btn->class = 'btn btn-sm btn-primary';
- $this->form->addActionLink(_t('New'), new TAction([$this, 'onEdit']), 'fa:eraser red');
- $this->form->addHeaderActionLink( _t('Close'), new TAction([$this, 'onClose']), 'fa:times red');
- // vertical box container
- $container = new TVBox;
- $container->style = 'width: 100%';
- // $container->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
- $container->add($this->form);
- parent::add($container);
- }
- /**
- * Save form data
- * @param $param Request
- */
- public function onSave( $param )
- {
- try
- {
- TTransaction::open('erphouse'); // open a transaction
- $this->form->validate(); // validate form data
- $data = $this->form->getData(); // get form data as array
- $object = new ContaReceber; // create an empty object
- $object->fromArray( (array) $data); // load the object with data
- $object->mes = TDateTime::convertToMask($object->dt_vencimento, 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'mm');
- $object->ano = TDateTime::convertToMask($object->dt_vencimento, 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'yyyy');
- if (empty($object->id))
- {
- $object->ativo = 'Y';
- }
- $object->store(); // save the object
- // get the generated id
- $data->id = $object->id;
- $this->form->setData($data); // fill form data
- TTransaction::close(); // close the transaction
- $pos_action = new TAction(['ContaReceberList', 'onReload'], ['register_state' => 'true']);
- new TMessage('info', AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Record saved'), $pos_action);
- }
- catch (Exception $e) // in case of exception
- {
- new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage()); // shows the exception error message
- $this->form->setData( $this->form->getData() ); // keep form data
- TTransaction::rollback(); // undo all pending operations
- }
- }
- /**
- * Close side panel
- */
- public static function onClose($param)
- {
- TScript::create("Template.closeRightPanel()");
- }
- }
- <menu>
- <menuitem label='Cadastros'>
- <menu>
- <menuitem label='Básicos'>
- <menu>
- <menuitem label='Pessoas'>
- <icon>fa:users blue</icon>
- <action>PersonForm</action>
- </menuitem>
- </menu>
- </menuitem>
- </menu>
- </menuitem>
- </menu>