Table of Contents
- TConnection
- Singleton manager for database connections
- TCriteria
- Provides an interface for filtering criteria definition
- TDatabase
- Database Task manager
- TExpression
- Base class for TCriteria and TFilter (composite pattern implementation)
- TFilter
- Provides an interface to define filters to be used inside a criteria
- TRecord
- Base class for Active Records
- TRepository
- Implements the Repository Pattern to deal with collections of Active Records
- TSqlDelete
- Provides an Interface to create DELETE statements
- TSqlInsert
- Provides an Interface to create an INSERT statement
- TSqlMultiInsert
- Provides an Interface to create an MULTI INSERT statement
- TSqlSelect
- Provides an Interface to create SELECT statements
- TSqlStatement
- Provides an abstract Interface to create a SQL statement
- TSqlUpdate
- Provides an Interface to create UPDATE statements
- TTransaction
- Manage Database transactions